Using our eyes

I recently had an eye test, and am now wearing new glasses as a result of that. Being able to see properly is something we take for granted these days, thanks to the ease of being able to correct vision problems. And yet, there are still people who suffer from blindness, just as they didContinue reading “Using our eyes”

Living on the Edge

The other week, I found myself drawn into daytime TV (which isn’t a regular occurrence these days). I was folding some laundry and it just gave me something to occupy my mind whilst engaged in a mundane, everyday task. In particular, I found myself drawn to a game show called The Edge. I quite likeContinue reading “Living on the Edge”

Go to the ant, you lazybones

I was recently on holiday in Spain, and was one day visiting a zoo. The very first thing I saw was a glass case full of thousands of ants! You might think of ants as being those annoying creatures which we try to kill if they find their way into our homes, but you mightContinue reading “Go to the ant, you lazybones”

Compassion fatigue

In my line of work, I think a lot about a phenomenon known as ‘compassion fatigue’.Psychology today describes this as ‘a term that describes the physical, emotional and psychological impact of helping others — often through experiences of stress or trauma.’ The world we are in today gives us little relief from such trauma. TheContinue reading “Compassion fatigue”

Reading the Bible

I heard a phrase during a prayer at church – ‘We can pick up our Bibles whenever we want.’ I felt a pinch of guilt at this. The meaning of the comment was that there are people around the world who are persecuted and mistreated for reading the Bible. We have no such problems here.Continue reading “Reading the Bible”

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