Blue Monday

I always find January difficult. There seems to be such a long build up to Christmas, and then before you know it the new year is here! And the new year so often brings with it its own problems, after the artificial brightness of winter festivities is over, there often follows the cold light ofContinue reading “Blue Monday”

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name? The Bible is full of names, many of which are unusual to us in our modern times and “western” society. Sometimes we are given nicknames, and sometimes those we’d rather not have! Sometimes they “become who we are”. In one of the later books of the New Testament, we find “Philemon,”Continue reading “What’s in a name?”


I am dreadful at resting. I can sit in front of a television for hours on end – but I don’t actually give myself rest; give my mind rest from the troubles of the day. I am currently on holiday with my family, and we promised ourselves a proper rest after a busy period recently.Continue reading “Rest”

Delight in the LORD

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streamsContinue reading “Delight in the LORD”

Darkness and Light

At this time of year – November, after the clocks have gone back, when it’s getting colder and as we’re rapidly heading into winter – there tends to be 2 different reactions we can have. The pessimistic one is to be frustrated at the lack of light and the loss of the warmth of summer,Continue reading “Darkness and Light”

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