How to show love

I recently went to our local cinema to see the film ‘One Life’. It tells the remarkable story of Sir Nicholas Winton. He was a man working in London who was instrumental in saving the lives of over 600 predominantly Jewish children from Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia. What struck me most about watching the film wasContinue reading “How to show love”

Compassion fatigue

In my line of work, I think a lot about a phenomenon known as ‘compassion fatigue’.Psychology today describes this as ‘a term that describes the physical, emotional and psychological impact of helping others — often through experiences of stress or trauma.’ The world we are in today gives us little relief from such trauma. TheContinue reading “Compassion fatigue”

In Remembrance

There is a rich patchwork of ways in which individuals, groups and communities hold things in remembrance: whether that be the news of a birth, someone’s death, or an anniversary of some sort. I have been going through times of change in my life having lost my sibling last year and my Mum this year.Continue reading “In Remembrance”

Look Out For The Helpers

Today, I read some of my favourite words, as written by one of the Psalmists: I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come?My help comes from the LORD,who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2 Emergency on Planet EarthWe’ve seen this last month what can happen when an underwater volcano eruptsContinue reading “Look Out For The Helpers”

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